# Introduction

What is BPT library?

A simple library created with php language to make and manage telegram bot easier

Do I need to pay for this?

No, This is an open source library which mean it's free ;)

How do I use it?

See this section

What we need to know before using your library?

A little knowledge about php and telegram bot api

Is this library active and supported?

Yes, It is still active and have support

# Getting Started

Through composer :

First of all, You need composer to be installed

Then you must open your terminal or cmd

Then go to your desired directory(with cd cmd or ...)

After that, you must use this command :

That will take a few second based on your internet connection

After that there will be a vendor folder in your selected address

You must include it in your file to use library

Now you can use our library in your code!


Through phar :

There is one thing you must do for using our phar

Add this code to your file and make sure phar extension is active

It will automatically download and include our phar

Now you can use our library in your code!


Code for using both style at same time(composer first)

# About us

Global detail :

Our site : https://bptlib.ir

Our github : BPTproto/BPT

Our email : support@bptlib.ir

Our telegram : @BPT_Support

Developers :

Miaad Sadeghloo

Email : miaadps@gmail.com

Telegram : @Im_Miaad

Alireza GhafoorRashid