version: 2.1.3


encrypt or decrypt a text with really high security, action parameter must be enc(mean encrypt) or dec(mean decrypt), string parameter is your hash(received when use encrypt) or the text you want to encrypt, for decrypt , you must have key and iv parameter. you can found them in result of encrypt


action string What do you want to do? `enc` for encode and `dec` for decode Yes
string string Your text for encode or decode Yes
key string Only needed in decode, you receive it when encoded your string Optional
iv string Only needed in decode , you receive it when encoded your string Optional

Method errors

action parameter not found parameter action not founded , set it like example
string parameter not found parameter string not founded , set it like example
key parameter not found parameter key not founded , set it like example
iv parameter not found parameter iv not founded , set it like example
openssl extension not found You must install or enable openssl extension otherwise you can't use this method

Method examples

$this->crypto(['action'=>'enc','string'=>'hello world']);

Method alices

There is no alices

Method output :
