version: 2.1.3


create normal keyboard and inline keyboard easily, you must set keyboard parameter(for normal keyboard) or inline parameter(for inline keyboard), if you set both , keyboard will be processed and inline will be ignored


keyboard array Use this for normal keyboard Optional
inline array Use this for inline keyboard Optional

Method errors

keyboard or inline parameter not found parameter keyboard or inline not founded , set it like example

Method examples

$this->eKey(['keyboard'=>[['button 1 in row 1'],['button 2 in row 2','button 3 in row 2'],['contact button in row 3||con'],['location button in row 4||loc']]]);
$this->eKey(['inline'=>[[['button 1 in row 1','this is callback button'],['button 2 in row 1','']],[['demo button in row 2']]]]);

Method alices

There is no alices

Method output :
